Ever Feel Like Your Elevator Is Stuck Between Floors? by: Richard Vegas
What do you do when you make a big mistake? When you fail? When you suffer defeat? When everything just goes wrong? When serious misunderstandings develop with others? When it appears like there is no way out? When solutions to your problems just seem impossible?
A Familiar Location; The Bottomless Pit!
What do you do; do you do nothing and allow the circumstances to push you around? Do you blow your stack? Do you bite the hand that feeds you? Do you become fearful and run away? Do you get your knickers all in a twist? Do you ever feel like your elevator is just stuck between floors?
Or, do you grab the bull by the horns and flatten him like a pancake? Do you turn bad circumstances into advantages just for the sheer joy of it? Do you look at every problem with faith and optimism knowing that positive results can and will be found?
Time To Grind It Out!
Well, I tell you this; if you are the kind of person that always looks for that kind of satisfaction, then you are busier than a one legged man in a bu** kicking contest. But, you knew that quite well.:>)
Here's the reason; that kind of satisfaction only comes from a "seize the bull by the horns attitude." And, that kind of mental attitude doesn't come just from lying around like a fat dog out in the sunshine. An attitude that brings satisfaction is a day by day process to renew the mind to accept and believe that you are a winner. Ah… not a wiener.
I'm going to tell you how your attitude is developed and how to change it; because only your attitude will stick your elevator between floors. Attitudes, whether positive or negative, are developed through self suggestion, and auto suggestion. We talk to ourselves and this forms the attitudes that we embrace.
These attitudes can be very stubborn about changing, whether positive or negative. Attitudes are almost like personalities that think they have rights and eternal privileges. And the moment you go trying to deprive them, you will start an enormous inner conflict that can create emotions you didn't even know you had.
Better Eat Those Words!
Of course, I'm just making analogies but you get the point. Attitudes can only be formed, fed, and nurtured by suggestions in our minds and words that come out of our mouth. So many times we have damaging thoughts that become suggestions and, then recite damaging words, and at the moment, we don't even realize the damage being done.
That's because the damage is done subtly and very gradually with very little observation on our part. If we were fully aware of the long term affects of what was happening, we obviously, would not give free rein to such a tantalizing bottomless pit.
If someone, such as me, should bring up the idea to you that maybe you should be cautious about the words you're saying and thoughts your thinking, most people would look at me like a toad frog batting his eyeballs in a hail storm. I've done it before and it happens too frequently.
Dumber Than Homemade Dirt!
These people have the hardest time understanding how something as simple as words and suggestions could determine their destiny; because they think in terms of results and circumstances. They think in terms of where they are right now and for the life of them they can't understand how changing an attitude could get their elevator moving again.
Remember this. It was your attitude that stuck your elevator and it will be your attitude that gets it moving again. But, a stuck elevator attitude will not help our circumstances to change and, it will not allow us to see the real reason why our elevator is stuck. All we will do is duck the question.
A stuck elevator attitude will resist feeble attempts to change; because it has too. It has been programmed with it's beliefs and conclusions through many years of suggestions and words, of the wrong kind, and it's not going to let some one time half hearted effort undo all the crud it holds to be true. It'll just make you think you never were the sharpest tool in the shed anyway.
Last But Not Least!
Our attitudes are us. But, they can be changed. In fact, in some instances that we find ourselves in, they are the only thing we can change. And, we always have the power to choose the attitude we will exhibit, but not always easy.
To display an attitude, that is not part of our everyday lifestyle causes a certain amount of discomfort. It's strange, it doesn't feel right, and that's where the resistance comes from. It is much easier to go with the flow and continue paddling down the same ole dirty creek of familiar areas.
But, there comes a time when that stuck elevator attitude is recognized for what it is and we decide to change it. Now comes the fun. No big secret here. We can fix our attitude with the same tools that we fouled the thing up: Suggestions and words. I have proven through many coaching sessions with students that any person can dramatically change any attitude in 30 days with some simple techniques.
I don't care how ingrained or how long the beliefs have been whatever they are. You can change them with 30 days of determination and willingness. If you are willing and faithful, you will succeed. Here is your exercise.
You can do this mentally or audibly; I do both. Remember, words and suggestions that we make to ourselves, is what forms our attitudes. Say this audibly when you can and mentally if you can't. I Feel Healthy, I Feel Wealthy, I Feel Terrific!
Put emphasis on each of the key words in the phrases. Do this for 30 days and you will notice a remarkable change in your happiness, your joy, and peace of mind.
Stronger Than A Garlic Milkshake!
If you're doing this mentally, close your eyes and see each of the words entering your mind and flowing down through your body. The amazing thing about this, if you're doing it the way I suggest, you will feel electricity going through your body when you get to the word "Terrific"!
Here's what is happening. Your subconscious is being reprogrammed and attitudes are being changed. Believe me; our minds have an unquenchable thirst and hunger for that word "Terrific" If you have never told yourself, on a regular basis, that you are terrific you are missing one of the most amazing transformations that can take place inside your mind.
Stick To It Like Glue!
Caution: Don't do this ten times and then expect to come busting out of a phone booth with a superman cape on. If you expect that you're just going to be spitting in the wind.
You have spent years feeding your attitude with crud and just saying this ten times and stopping is not going to reverse your polarity. But, with determination and willingness, you will completely change your can't do attitude in thirty days. And then, the new attitude will become a lifestyle.
Richard Vegas ©
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